On 6/9/07, Timothy Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm having great difficulty allowing my users to mount the cdrom. I've
looked in the faq and both fstab and mount manpages, but still can't
find it! I think the GNU tools allow:

Hello Tim:

I got user mount of the CDROM  to work as follows:

1) Edit /etc/sysctl.conf and insert

2) As root, do # mkdir /cdrom
        # cd /cdrom
        # mkdir tim (assuming the user account is named tim)

3) Do:  # chown tim /cdrom/tim

this is based on the comment from:

       * If the user is not root, ensure that they own the directory
       * onto which we are attempting to mount.

4) Edit /etc/fstab and insert the following line:

  /dev/cd0a /cdrom/tim cd9660 ro,noauto  0 0

5) Add the user tim to the operator group, in /etc/group like so:


To make a user mountable thumb drive:

1) Make sure /etc/sysctl.conf has:

2) As root, do # mkdir /thumb
        # cd /cdrom
        # mkdir tim (assuming the user account is named bsd)

3) Do:  # chown tim /thumb/tim
Again see:
for the details.

4) Edit /etc/fstab and insert the following line:

  /dev/sd0i /thumb/tim msdos rw,noauto  0 0

5) Again, make sure the user tim is in the operator group, in
/etc/group like so:


6) Last step, do
  # chmod g+w /dev/sd0i
  (sd0i is the mount point for the USB thumb drive)

Kind regards,

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