> -----Original Message-----
> Pieter Verberne
> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2007 6:59 AM
> To: misc@openbsd.org
> Subject: How much time to 'master' OpenBSD
> Hi there OpenBSD users,
> I wonder how much time it took for the average person to 'master'
> OpenBSD or a similar OS. With 'master' I mean you have all skills
> to configure and use the system. You know reguar expressions, 
> thorough cli skills like pipes/vi/mg/scripts etc. 
> Probably most would say that you also need to know programming
> languages and networking knowledge to master an OS but in this
> case I want to ignore them.
> Pieter Verberne

I don't think that i will EVER "master" OpenBSD, but then again,
as a personal rule, I never claim to be an expert at anything.  My
boss would probably say differant, he thinks I'm pretty smart 
(lucky me... groan...).  What he doesn't know is every time I get 
stuck I come crying to the OpenBSD Misc list for help.  You guys 
are awsome!

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