* Ben Calvert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-06-06 02:04]:
> On Jun 5, 2007, at 8:30 AM, Stefan Castille wrote:
> >Dear list,
> >
> >I am trying to setup some bandwidth monitoring based on firewall  
> >rules (consolidate
> >traffic per project in stead of per ip or interface). However I am  
> >unable to get correct
> >statistics from pfctl.
> look for 'log (all)' in
>   man pf.conf
> and then checkout
>   man pflog

wrong answer, what the OP does should work just fine.

now, why it doesn't is a very good question. it DOES work here, I don't 
understand what is going on right now.

to the OP, check with pfctl -vvss that states are created like you expect 
them to, that is the only reason I could think of, you pass at nfe0 rule 
not actually matching ebcause you create state on another interface.

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