On Mon, 4 Jun 2007, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 08:02:08AM -0600, Diana Eichert wrote:
You're almost there since you know you want to use a smarthost. For
example copy /usr/share/sendmail/cf/openbsd-localhost.mc to another
file /usr/share/sendmail/cf/BobFoo-localhost-SMART_HOST.mc, define
dnl define(`SMART_HOST', `MYMAINBOX-FQDN')dnl ,build a new .cf file,
BobFoo-localhost-SMART_HOST.cf . Move the new file to /etc/mail , add
sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -C/etc/mail/BobFoo-localhost-SMART_HOST.cf -bd
to /etc/rc.conf.local restart sendmail and VOILA!
It may not be hard at all, but its a lot more work than answering exim's
config questions. I don't suppose there's a BSD sendmail configurator
script that guides one through this? Yes, I know, everything I need to
get sendmail working is alread on my system in the form of manpages,
READMEs, other docs, and the stuff between my ears.
The other issue is that I would _like_ to be able to set up sendmail
since if I were installing OBSD on a raw system after some catastrophy,
I may want access to mail before I've set up ports and installed
something like exim. Lots to ponder.
Thanks all,
Phew, I darn near held your hand explaining how easy it was to do. I dare
say you didn't actually take the time to look at what I described, so sad.
In the amount of time it took you to write your response you could have
built an appropriate .mc & .cf file that would do what you requested,
based upon the info requried.
g.day & g.luck