On 6/4/07, David B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
hi, I'm using 3.8, and I hate to bother, but I have spent two days on the
net trying to find the answer to this problem.

I am using 'find' to batch file a sed search and replace.  Sed, of course,
outputs to stdout, the problem I am having is finding the correct syntax so
that I can change the extension of the input file to create the new output
file.  For example:

Find . -name "*.htm" -exec 'sed s/old/new/' > '{}'.new

From what I've read, I should be able to use the '{}' as a global replace;
so if the input file happens to be smith.htm, then '{}' would be smith.htm
and the idea is that the output filename for the sed command would create a
new output file called smith.htm.new.

I'd probably use a for loop.

for i in *.html ; do mv $i `echo $i | sed 's/\(.*\.\)html/\1html.new/'` ; done


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