Hi there,

I've been using openBSD for some months now, for example on my office
router which uses NAT (based on a tweaked example config from the FAQ).
This works really great!

But now I'm designing a firewall which is not used for any routing, and
will be ran on a machine having just one NIC. So it has to be a
'personal firewall'. After having done the basic stuff, I'll add authpf
(which runs by the way great on my router, really cool!).

I've got the config:

-bash-3.2# grep -v "^$" pf.conf
# macros
tcp_services="{ 22 }"
# options
set block-policy return
#set loginterface $ext_if
set skip on lo
nat-anchor "authpf/*"
rdr-anchor "authpf/*"
binat-anchor "authpf/*"
anchor "authpf/*"
# filter rules
block in
#antispoof quick for { lo $int_if }
block in quick on $iface proto tcp from any \
    port 1022
pass out keep state
pass in on $iface inet proto tcp from any \
   port $tcp_services flags S/SA keep state
pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state

I'd like to close port 1022 for ALL traffic (and will allow it soon
after authpf works).
Can someone please point out what's wrong?

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