stuart van Zee wrote:
Does anyone know of a good, easy-to-use client
for Yahoo instant messenger in the ports tree.

Alternatively, you could use a web app. is a very cool web interface to ICQ, Jabber, AOL, Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft IMs. I've used Gtalk via on Mozilla Seamonkey without flash or java enabled (I believe it is mostly javascript/AJAX with limited server-side) and it worked surprisingly well.

I do an internet radio show (definitely not OpenBSD topical) and I need one that an intern
can use on my spare laptop to interface with
listeners etc. The laptop will be running OpenBSD 4.1 w/X and he will also be using firefox to check Yahoo email.

please note, our intern is STUPID so he needs
something fairly easy to use.
Stuart van Zee
Ya can't fix stupid

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