On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 07:02:39PM +0930, Damon McMahon wrote:
> Greetings,
> How would I specify that blowfish, AES and 3DES should be accepted -  
> in that order - in ipsec.conf(5) to configure isakmpd(8)?

this is not supported by ipsec.conf(5).

> In the deprecated isakmpd.conf(5) for Main Mode I did this:
>       Transforms = BLF-SHA,AES-SHA,3DES-SHA
> and for Quick Mode I did this:
> However, in ipsec.conf(5) the following results in a Syntax Error  
> message for lines 2 and 3:
>       ike from $ipsec_from to $ipsec_to \
>               main enc { blowfish, aes, 3des } \
>               quick enc { blowfish, aes, 3des }
> Any advice will be appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Damon

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