2007/5/28, Christian Weisgerber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Landry Breuil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was wondering if some people already had the idea of setting some kind
> of
> > 'pull-only-changed' model for cvs update.
> > I know available methods (cvssync, anoncvs and cvsup) are full
> pull-model,
> > where we compare the full local cvs copy with the whole remote
> repository,
> No.  CVSync and CVSup only send a meta data summary to the server, the
> server compares this against its own database and only sends diffs of
> the changes back to the client.
> > which is :
> > - time and network consuming for the user
> > - bandwidth and load consuming for the server
> It really isn't.  And any well-configured CVSync or CVSup server
> keeps a meta data summary in a "scan file" around, so it just needs
> to compare this with the summary sent by the client and _not_ go
> and stat() every file.

Ok, i see now.

AnonCVS is a different story.  CVS remote checkout was not designed
> as a mirroring tool and is horrendously inefficient in every respect.

Yes, i was having the impression that using AnonCVS was terribly slow and
resource-consuming.. updating the ports-tree take 5-10mns.
So, way better using cvsync or cvsup/csup.

I suppose CTM has been deprecated ? It disappeared from the 'official
methods' three years ago, page is still here but snaps/diffs are not
generated since two years... i haven't found an 'official support drop'.

> What methods guys are you using ?
> Use CVSync or CVSup to update a local repository copy, which is
> fast and bandwidth-efficient, and run local cvs update from that
> local repository.
> Alternatively, if you have no use for the repository, use CVSup (or
> the CSup client) in checkout mode.

I'm regularly updating ports i'm working on, that's why i was asking if it
was possible to update _only_ modified parts of the tree instead of
comparing the whole tree. using AnonCVS was my mistake :)

No comments on my initial idea ? I suppose i'll implement it 'for fun' and
may submit it here someday, if ppl are interested.

Thanks for the clarification,

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