On Mon, May 21, 2007 at 12:50:05AM +0200, Martin Toft wrote:
> On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 12:02:11PM -0700, Myk Taylor wrote:
> > I used to have this problem as well. It went away when I upgraded
> > the remote endpoint (your AP, in this model) to OpenSSH_4.5p1.
> Okay. Thanks for the advice :)
> I'll try to test it during the next couple of days or so and report
> back here, if it also solves the problem for me. First, I need to
> figure out a setup to test it in, as 4.4p1 is the newest for OpenWrt
> at the moment.  I'm thinking in the lines of establishing the tunnel
> to a recent OpenBSD box on the AP's WAN-side (running an "open" WLAN
> for a while...).
> Martin

As promised I will report back...

My test was concluded after only 167MB of random data:

  $ scp testbox:testdata /dev/null
  testdata          83%  167MB   0.0KB/s -stalled -

Instead of my AP, I used an available FreeBSD box with OpenSSH 4.5p1 as
remote endpoint for the tunnel -- the problem didn't disappear. The

Laptop  <--WLAN-->  AP  <--LAN-->  FreeBSD box  <--LAN-->  Internet

I think I will drop it now and look into IPSec or OpenVPN. That way I
will also avoid TCP-over-TCP problems. I am pretty sure that it isn't
TCP-over-TCP problems that I am fighting against in my ssh-based VPN
setup, as my ssh control connection doesn't die -- only the tunnel
device forwarding part. Not only are the connections through the tunnel
stalled, it is also not possible to establish new connections through


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