On Fri, 18 May 2007 18:16:03 -0400
"Clint M. Sand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Fri, May 18, 2007 at 08:47:21PM +1000, Timothy Wilson wrote:
> > Had you thought about mounting certain areas as read only?
> > For example, /etc, /local can be mounted as read only. When you want
> > to make changes, such as installing a new package or whatever, just
> > remount the file systems read/write.
> > You can also use jails.
> > 
> > Timothy
> I think the point is that if someone roots your machine because you are
> running a vulnerable service, they can't really install rootkits and
> things if your binaries are on a filesystem that CAN'T be remounted r/w.
> If you just mount your harddisks (or portions like /etc) ro and someone
> roots your box, they just re-mount it, install rootkit, then re-mount
> back ro. Does nothing really. 

Of course, they could just "chflags schg *".  That way, an attacker
couldn't just remove the schg flags from the files he wants to modify.

The big advantage to using a CD or DVD is that one could create the
CD/DVD from a more secure site while leaving the live site running.
When ready to upgrade, just change the CD or DVD and reboot.

Eric Johnson

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