On Sun, May 20, 2007 at 09:37:41PM +0200, Jan Stary wrote:
> Do these messages mean that my graphic chip is actually
> capable of a "1024x768 24bbp" display?

> If the graphics chip can do 1024x768, is it the case that the
> _monitor_ cannot do that? 
>Is the maximal resolution a property
> of the graphics chip or the monitor?
> If the graphics chip can not do 1024x768, what does the
> VESA line above really say?

That the video adapter could do 1024x768 thats all.
vesabios (the device) does not get DDC info from the monitor to
determin what resolutions it can actually do, the supported
resolutions are the intersection (set theory meaning) of the
DDC and the vesabios modes.

This is one of the reasons vesabios is not enabled in GENERIC,
because x couldn't automagically work, (the other being that X dosent
yet look to see if it can use vesafb if we are running aperature less,


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