On 5/15/07, Peter Hessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
:bridging is layer 2 and has nothing to do with net.inet.ip.forwarding=1.
:The problem is more somewhere deep inside the bridging code. One possible
:problem could be a to small interface queue but I could be totaly wrong.
:If nobody beats me I will have a look at this somewhen in the next month
:or so.

I've had net.inet.ip.forwarding help on a bridge before.  Not saying
there isn't a problem, but that I've gotten a performance increase from
enabling it.

It can cause problems, though, too.  For example, if you have a bridge
in front of machines that do multicast-based IP load balancing
(specifically, Microsoft's NLB) then the packet duplication with
net.inet.ip.forwarding craps on your network.  Turning off
net.inet.ip.forwarding reduces the packet duplication and shit works


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