2007/5/13, Edd Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> On 13/05/07, Landry Breuil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > i'm trying to make an old Ultra 10 working in dual-screen/xinerama, with
> > onboard ati (works fine at [EMAIL PROTECTED]) and additional old s3 pci
> (detected
> > by kernel).
> As far as I am aware sparc64 requires "OpenBoot aware" graphics cards.
> I'm not sure how it works in the case of a secondary graphics card for
> X only however.
> Just an idea.
> If it doesnt work then try a creator3d / elite3d?

> Best Regards
> Edd
> PS. Would you mind if I grab that xorg.conf? I have a U10 that I never
> got X working on.

here it is : http://gcu.info/~gaston/sparc64/xorg.conf-u10
basically, it's the result of X -configure + a few tweaks to make the sun
mouse work.

I think i'll try to build the s3virge driver upon my next upgrade on this
box, this'd be really neat to make this old card work with it.


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