You can still get to the FAQ.  I have a search box setup in FF and I
was able to get to it...

So the whole site ain't down, probably a permissions issue???

On 5/9/07, Martin Toft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Two small things:

1. replies with "Forbidden" at the moment -- but I guess
most people already know.

2. Long time ago I was told that I shouldn't use, as it
wasn't/isn't the official site. I was told to always use the www
subdomain. Maybe this was just some people pulling my chain, however, I
remember having discovered small differences between the two sites (for
more than a year ago, though). The two names point to different
addresses (this may mean nothing or everything). Please enlighten me :)

Sorry for the noise.


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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