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Something tells me that you are trying to install and use openbsd without learn 
first how to do it, it's like to try to build a small jet and then try to fly 
without "gasoline",
that's no so easy.

However, You was asked for root's (super user, administrtor) password during 
login with root and password You typed..

-----Messaggio originale-----

        Da: bubka20 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oggetto:  login and password
   Data: ven 4 mag 2007 18.49
Dimen:  388 byte

I received the congratulations message that openbsd was installed.  Upon
rebooting I see openbsd/i386 (puffy) (tty0) and I am prompted for login: and
password:....  How do I find out my login and password? ... thanks

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