Hi, Now it's time to play with pf. I got some weird trouble on pass ssh connections.. here is my pf.con
# NICs ext_if="rl1" int_if="rl2" pf_if="rl0" allow_ports_out="{80,110,143}" allow_proto_out="{tcp,udp,icmp}" allow_proto_in="{tcp, udp}" table <blocked_ips> persist file "/etc/blocked.conf" table <lan_hosts> persist file "/etc/lan.conf" scrub out on $ext_if all random-id rdr on $ext_if proto $allow_proto_in from any to ($ext_if) port $ssh_ext_m2 -> port $ssh_int_m2 rdr on $ext_if proto $allow_proto_in from any to ($ext_if) port $http_ext_2 -> port $http_int_2 rdr on $ext_if proto $allow_proto_in from any to ($ext_if) port $http_ext_m2 -> port $http_int_m2 nat on $ext_if from <lan_hosts> to any -> ($ext_if) pass out on $pf_if proto carp keep state pass on $pf_if proto pfsync block drop in quick on $ext_if from <blocked_ips> antispoof for $ext_if antispoof for $int_if #block in on $ext_if all block in all pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) port 22 flags S/SA modulate state pass out on $ext_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to any flags S/SA modulate state pass out on $ext_if proto udp from <lan_hosts> to any keep state It's a very simple pf.conf.. only for play. My trouble comes when i try to connect via ssh throught int_if ( My lan ). If i use "block in all" rule and "pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) port $ssh_mer flags S/SA modulate state" i can't connect to ssh. If i change "block in all" to "block in on$ext_if all" then i can connect to the host. With "block in all" and if i take off "port 22" from the previous rule, ( so the rule will be: "pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) flags S/SA modulate state") than again i can connect from the lan to the host via ssh. More schematic: I can't connect: block in all pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) port 22 flags S/SA modulate state I can connect: block in on $ext_if all pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) port 22 flags S/SA modulate state I can connect: block in on $ext_if all pass in on $int_if proto tcp from <lan_hosts> to ($int_if) flags S/SA modulate state I can't find why, any help? what i am doing bad? Thanks once again you all, Tang