On Thu, 3 May 2007, Tom Van Looy wrote:

> Hi, I wanted to let my ntp client use the servers it receives from the dhcp
> server (3.0 from packages). I made it working like this:
> I added ntp-servers to /etc/dhclient.conf, and the following function to the
> /sbin/dhclient-script script:
> add_new_ntp() {
>    if [ -n "$new_ntp_servers" ]; then
>       sed "/^server/d" /etc/ntpd.conf > /etc/ntpd.conf.new
>       for address in $new_ntp_servers; do
>          echo "server" $address >> /etc/ntpd.conf.new
>       done
>       mv /etc/ntpd.conf.new /etc/ntpd.conf && pkill -KILL ntpd && ntpd
>    fi
> }
> I use add_new_ntp after add_new_routes in BOUND|RENEW|REBIND|REBOOT)
> Is this the right way to do let ntp use dhclient?
> And, is what I did in add_new_ntp() the best way to do it?
> It seems that the script works. After executing "/bin/sh /etc/netstart bce0" I
> see the following in /var/log/daemon:
> May  2 22:35:51 kaat dhclient[30663]: DHCPREQUEST on bce0 to
> port 67
> May  2 22:35:51 kaat dhclient[30663]: DHCPACK from
> May  2 22:35:51 kaat ntpd[2737]: Lost child: child terminated; signal 9
> (Killed)
> May  2 22:35:51 kaat ntpd[27146]: ntp engine ready
> May  2 22:35:51 kaat dhclient[30663]: bound to -- renewal in 7200
> seconds.
> May  2 22:36:11 kaat ntpd[27146]: peer now valid
> May  2 22:36:14 kaat ntpd[27146]: peer now valid
> May  2 22:38:13 kaat ntpd[27146]: clock is now synced
> May  2 22:52:39 kaat ntpd[12672]: adjusting clock frequency by -12.976140 to
> -12.976140ppm

> But I have two additional questions about this:
> 1) my dhcpd runs at (remote), so why DHCPACK from

No idea on this one.

> 2) "adjusting clock frequency by -12.976140 to -12.976140ppm." These values
> are the same, what just happend?

The previous freq adjustment was 0. The new value will be persistent, the
next time you reboot it'll start with the previously stored value.


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