On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 09:54:51AM +0200, Joerg Zinke wrote:
| > $ config -ef bsd.rd
| > OpenBSD 4.1-current (RAMDISK_CD) #298: Sun Apr 29 14:18:55 MDT 2007
| >     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/RAMDISK_CD
| > Enter 'help' for information
| > ukc> find acpi
| > 216 acpi0 at mainbus0 disable bus -1 flags 0x0
| > ukc> enable acpi
| > 216 acpi0 enabled
| > ukc> quit
| > Saving modified kernel.
| >
| ^^^^ does this work with a standard kernel build from GENERIC or
| GENERIC.MP, too?


| Or did i need to get a snapshot respectively built an own
| kernel and uncomment the acpi lines in GENERIC(.MP)?

There's no need to uncomment the acpi driver, it already is
uncommented in the GENERIC{,.MP} cases (it's just disabled). If you
want additional acpi drivers, then you'll have to recompile.


Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd


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