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On Apr 30, 2007, at 11:04 AM, Aaron Hsu wrote:
Hello all,
I am wondering what problems I am going to run into with the 4.1-
RELEASE and a Macbook Pro.
Right now I have tried to boot up the latest snapshot on my Core
Duo Macbook Pro and it hang right after the usb and rd0 line. From
what I understand, this is the last line before entering userland
and trying to run the rc scripts, right? Searching around I found
no occurances of this problem or much of anything documented for
OpenBSD and the Macbook Pros. Chatting on IRC gave me the boot -c
option to try to use a verbose message. In another message I found
somewhere, it also suggested boot -v.
boot -c brings up a UKC> prompt which does not seem to accept
input. The insert point or line seems to bounce back and forth very
rapidly from the prompt to the line above it about 30 - 50
characters to the right. boot -v (obviously) does not work, as
apparently that's a bad option for bsd.rd.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can debug this and/or fix
"No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could do only a little." - Edmund Burke