On Fri, Apr 27, 2007 at 12:07:04AM -0700, patrick keshishian wrote:

> I downloaded the latest firmware from TRENDnet's download page [1]
> and placed, what I believe to be the firmware file (ar5523.bin)
> in /etc/firmware/uath-ar5523.

You are making this much harder for yourself than it needs be.  As the
uath(4) manual page says, you can just 

pkg_add http://damien.bergamini.free.fr/packages/openbsd/uath-firmware-1.0.tgz

> I'm open to suggestions and ideas, especially if you can recommend
> a reasonably priced alternative USB wireless network adaptor which
> will work on both i386 and macppc architectures.

uath(4) is not very good.  There are no docs and little incentive to fix
bugs in a driver with such an unfriendly vendor.  ural(4) and rum(4) are
both pretty solid USB wifi devices, and Ralink are pretty friendly. 

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