Will this cause a delay for those of us who ordered both the 4.1 CD set and
the book in the same order?



On 4/25/07, Austin Hook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shipments of the OpenBSD Command-Line Companion Book have been delayed and
> ETA is unknown at this time.  According to the author's blog:
> http://devguide.net
> there was a problem with the UPS shipment, but we are unable to contact
> Jacek Artymiak directly, and we have no tracking number for the shipment.
> This book was to have been printed in the USA and shipped to the Belgian
> and Sweet Grass, MT, USA depots in early April.
> We know from past events that Jacek is subject to a certain chronic
> illness that can sometimes suddenly put him in the hospital for a few
> months at a time.  If such is the case, we wish him all the best.
> For the mean time we have removed the book from the order pages, and will
> ship existing orders without the book, showing it as a backorder.
> If anyone knows which US printer Jacek had the books made at we would
> try to trace them from that end.  Let us know.
> OpenBSD Distribution
> Milk River, Alberta, Canada

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