On Thu, 26 Apr 2007, Tor Houghton wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 26, 2007 at 03:33:47AM +0000, Douglas Maus wrote:
> > Is it possible for users (non-root) to mount NFS exports?
> > I seem to be able to mount_nfs using sudo, but not as a regular user.
> > I actually want to allow regular users to mount the NFS share from
> > another machine/OS (MacOSX), but since I couldn't get a regular user
> > to do the mount just on the local machine, I thought I'd start with
> > this problem first.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> Maybe I am being dumb, but wouldn't the obvious thing be to configure 'sudo'
> for each user so that they can mount 'their' share (only)?
Actually, that's probably the simplest solution; config a user group with
access, then grant sudo access to that group for the mount.


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