On Wed, 25 Apr 2007, Diana Eichert wrote:

Now I have another question. In order to get power down to work, you have to set "powerdown=YES" to power down the unit. Now that's pretty obvious, but why when you run "shutdown -r"/"reboot" does the system power down? Doesn't that obviate the reboot command? I would think "powerdown=YES" would be ignored on "shutdown -r"/"reboot".


on further perusal through reboot.c I see where the "-p" switch only works if program is called as halt.

                case 'p':
                        /* Only works if we're called as halt. */
                        if (dohalt) {
                                pflag = 1;
                                howto |= RB_POWERDOWN;

Shouldn't the check for "powerdown=YES in rc.shutdown" also be wrapped by something similar?

                        execl(_PATH_BSHELL, "sh", _PATH_RC, "shutdown", (char 
                        /* rc exits 2 if powerdown=YES in rc.shutdown */
                        waitpid(pid, &status, 0);
                        if (WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 2)
                                howto |= RB_POWERDOWN;

I'm downloading -current source to one of my landisks so I can make the change to reboot.c .


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