James Turner a icrit :
On Tue, Apr 24, 2007 at 04:25:52PM +0200, Gregory ESNAUD-FREE wrote:
L. V. Lammert a icrit :
On Tue, 24 Apr 2007, Gregory ESNAUD-FREE wrote:

Hi World,

I've got some questions concerning the using of the mail() php function
under OpenBSD using Postfix as MTA.
Note that I only want to use my OpenBSD Postfix Server as a mail sender
for fogotten password of my web site ^^

First, the "mail" shell command works very well. I receive test mails
>from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (using root login) towards
Second, the PHP cli (you know under shell) on a php script containing
the mail() php function works very well too (always under root login)

BUT, when i browsing (via FireFox or IE) and I clik on my button "send
my password", nothing happen !! It's like the www users can't use the

Are you running chroot'd (default)? If so, you need something like
'mini_sendmail', or run Apache 'naked' with a -u.

OR, you could RTFM & Google.


 Leland V. Lammert            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Chief Scientist     Omnitec Corporation
Network/Internet Consultants   www.omnitec.net

Hi all,

Thanks everybody for your help, but still doesn't work...

I tried with femail, then i tried with mini_sendmail (with this: http://hanz.nl/p/showblog&blog_key=39), and always same result... i.e. nothing happens...

I'm getting crazy !!

thanks again,

First make sure mini_sendmail is located in /var/www/bin.  Second add or
edit the sendmail_path in your php.ini and restart apache.  Make it look
something like this: sendmail_path = "/bin/mini_sendmail -t
[EMAIL PROTECTED]" where [EMAIL PROTECTED] is the address you want the
mail to come from.  Hope this helps.

I was writing my answer when i receive your mail, and that's it... http://hanz.nl/p/showblog&blog_key=39 told to make a symbolinc link, that was not working on my server..

anyway, here we are, that's working !

Thanks a lot to everybody !

See you in the tube!

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