Sjoerd Oostdijck wrote:
> -----Original message-----
> From: Renaud Allard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Fri 04/13/07 09:11:47
> To: Renaud Allard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; 
> Subject: Re: Bridge over gif on 4.1
>> It should be noted that when I put an ip on each sis1 interface, they
>> can ping each other through the if tunnel. Only the arp packets from the
>> lan don't seem to pass. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
>> [snip]
>>> I changed net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 and net.inet.etherip.allow=1 but it
>>> did not help.
>>> Is something wrong with my configuration?
> Hi Renaud,
> I think your config looks alright, you just need to allow multicast packets 
> to be forwarded by setting:
> net.inet.ip.mforwarding=1
> Also, don't forget to add some routing (on your gateway to the bridge).

Well, thanks for your reply. However net.inet.ip.mforwarding is already
set to 1.

I don't see what you mean by adding some routing on my gateway to the
bridge. Both routers can see and communicate with the other. There is no
filtering done between the two routers. pf is disabled on both routers
and there are no rules on the bridge.

If I put an IP on sis1 on router1 and try to ping from router1 the only
host on the lan on router2 and if I sniff on this host, I see arp
requests and arp replies. The replies are received on bridge0 on
router2, and I see entries on gif0, but they just don't go back trough gif0.
I don't think the gif0 mtu 1280 can be the problem as arp
requests/replies are only 28 bytes + etherip overhead.

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/x-pkcs7-signature which 
had a name of smime.p7s]

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