So, the man page should say 'Display the UTC in GMT time'?

If I understand it correctly, UTC is the timezone


Pierre Lamy wrote:
GMT is the timezone, UTC is the time.


jared r r spiegel wrote:
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 06:17:58PM -0400, Nick ! wrote:
On 4/10/07, Markus Bergkvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

'date -u' on a 4.0 -stable will give something like
Tue Apr 10 22:03:24 GMT 2007
but shouldn't it be
Tue Apr 10 22:03:24 UTC 2007
UTC = GMT for all that we care about.
  i could be wrong here, but perhaps he is not suggesting
  that there is any wallclock difference between GMT and UTC,
  but rather that the manpage for date(1) says:

     -u      Display or set the date in UTC (Coordinated Universal) time.

  as opposed to "... date in GMT ...", also as implied by how it is
  '-u' and not '-g'

  least, that was my reaction to his post?

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