[set the topic to make it nice and clear, this has nothing to do with
bcw(4) for a long time now, actually the whole thread avoided it]

Rui Miguel Silva Seabra wrote:
> Seg, 2007-04-09 C s 18:29 +0100, Jeroen Massar escreveu:
>> GPL is good though if you want to force people to give back the code to
>> you so that you can use it in your own dual-licensed projects.
> This shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the way both the GPL
> and generic copyright work.
>       * Nobody is forced to publish derivative works (as long as they
>         keep them inside doors, eg. internal usage in a company)
>       * Dual licensing in the way you suggest would be a copyright
>         violation.

Did you actually read what I wrote, as the above two points where in my
text, but you deleted that from your reply. You might want to read the
snipped text too :) I actually made a difference between the original
copyright owner (who is allowed to do anything they like with the code)
and somebody adding their stuff, who can't relicense it. As for the
first 'point' you are trying to make, also covered in my text...

PS: Please realize that some people want a different kind of freedom
than that other people want, respect that: take your pick, go GPL or
BSD, but don't try to force your religion on other people. You might end
up getting Jehova's witnesses on your neck ;)


[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature which had 
a name of signature.asc]

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