On 4/9/07, Jason Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:16 PM, Greg Thomas wrote:

> Unfuckingbelievable.  Is there something in the GPL water that messes
> with its fans' brains and twists their realities???

The real hypocrisy is this:

GPL advocates claim their license prevents commercial entities from
stealing their freedom.  These are the same people who have no
problem giving up their freedoms (in the form of NDA's, closed-source
kernel modules, etc) to the companies they're trying to fight.

Yeah, when I first heard about the GPL way back when I primarily used
Linux I thought it was the coolest idea on the planet.  After
switching to OpenBSD for other reasons I finally realized that it was
the most selfish idea on the planet.  And that's not even getting into
the hypocrisy of selling out to closed companies, those same evil
companies that the GPL claims to be trying to protect us from.


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