On 3/26/07, Gregg Reynolds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wonder if the OpenBSD developers have a favored set of tools for C
code analysis.  E.g. the kind of stuff listed at
http://www.spinroot.com/static/.  Esp. stuff like
http://spinroot.com/uno/.  Are such tools used in OpenBSD code audits?

Also, what about automatic code documentation tools (for lack of a
better term)?  This kind of stuff:

I'm interested because I think OpenBSD is a terrific development
platform, number one, and number two, I'd like to follow the code
development practices of OpenBSD.

OpenBSD... does not work like that. What made you decide it is a
"terrific development platform"? You do not even understand it's
philosophy. OpenBSD is developed with commitment and care, not

By the way, regarding: http://mobileink.com/mesh/, you should take a
look at http://www.well.com/~doctorow/metacrap.htm. That's also an
issue of care vs. automation.

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