
I just had, for the second time, a weird freeze on an old Celeron 400
running OpenBSD/i386.
Box was unreachable through network, but still up. Syslog normal warning
messages on console, no DDB prompt or panic backtrace.
Plugging a keyboard didn't give me access to the console, i had to hard
reset the box. Nothing in logs, and box is not running special software
(postfix, irssi, httpd, named, courier-imap...)
The weird thing is that i had the same issue in september last year, box
freezed after 196 days and was running 3.8 at this moment. This was the
occasion to update to 3.9. And this time, it crashed after 197 days.
Coincidence ? Hardware counter overflow in nic ? Pf counter overflow ?

dmesg is available here : http://gruiik.info/stuff/dmesg
I can provide more info if needed.

Thanks for any indication,

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