> Siju George wrote: > >Hi, > > > >http://www.internetnews.com/security/article.php/3667201 > > > >Just for some entertainment, no troll :-) > > > >--Siju > > > > IMHO it's not a fair comparison, most linux distributions ship with alot > more software than microsoft windows does, and most bugreports indicate > an issue with third-party software.
I think it's a very fair comparison. Hmm. let's see, An OS that ships with a big pile of stinking garbage written quickly to dangle the prettiest shiny things in front of users little brains before anyone else does. Linux distros do the first to market and damn the consequences game just as well as Microsoft ever has. "Third party software" - in linux? fuck in Linux distributions everything in userland is third party software. Linux is a kernel. The operating system is then a collection of things put together by bundlers. Do I think either vendor does a good job, no, but is Microsoft doing a better job of it than say, Red Hat? Yep. You betcha. If you right now took a magic fairy wand and replaced windows in all the broadband connected machines out there with a full featured (and that means all the bells and whistles, not spending half a day turning all the shit off and un-setuiding all the inane shit that is setuid root) Red Hat install with similar tools, I'm pretty sure you'd have a virus and worm shitstorm that would make what we see now hitting our mailservers from windows machines look like a tiny little unoffensive fart - from a vegetarian at that. And yes a big chunk of the problem is the knuckle dragging mouth breather in front of the keyboard - thank god that's not OpenBSD's targeted userbase, although some days reading misc@ I wonder. -Bob