On 2007/03/22 13:54, Kamil Monticolo wrote:
> > The OpenBSD kernel is a bit over 5MB. I assume that gets loaded into memory
> > and is not swappable, giving me 43MB left, which isn't a lot.

If you're going to do things like this, you have extra steps when you
find a problem, because you need to tell whether it's due to the changes
you made.

imho if you need to ask if you can do it, you probably don't know enough
about the system to do this without causing yourself problems.

Dropping cachepct, via config(8), *might* be appropriate.

> You may also stripe nearly all of your libraries, for example:

How is stripping library archives going to help save RAM? (if you want
to save disk space, you might as well just not install compXX.tgz)

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