Our Soekris (4.0-stable) NFS mounts a remote share:

# df -h /projects
Filesystem            Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
linsrv01:/projects    410G    2.0T   417G  498%      /projects

# grep projects /etc/fstab
linsrv01:/projects /projects nfs rw,auto 0 0

where linsrv01 is a SLES10 NFS server (amd64). Probably /projects has
been increased there using LVM/xfs_grow and the nfs mount hasn't been
renewed ever since. However, if I do remount the remote NFS share on the
soekries, the Size is not updated.

on linsrv01, df reports:
Filesystem   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/projects    2.4T  2.0T  418G  84% /projects

Not a problem at all, but maybe some developer is interested in
understanding this phenomena or knows what one can do to cleanly update
the Size information.



 Stephan A. Rickauer

 Institute of Neuroinformatics         Tel  +41 44 635 30 50
 University / ETH Zurich               Sec  +41 44 635 30 52
 Winterthurerstrasse 190               Fax  +41 44 635 30 53
 CH-8057 Zurich                        Web  www.ini.unizh.ch

 RSA public key:  https://www.ini.uzh.ch/~stephan/pubkey.asc

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