Tobias Weingartner wrote:
In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Richard Wilson wrote:
I dunno. Am I being overly paranoid, or should I stick with nice dependable old-fashioned malloc?
I usually take dependable and slightly slower over faster and nastier
any day.  Especially if it's fast enough.

Optimally, you could switch between allocators as a compile-time define. Use a tougher allocator for debugging and stress testing. Use a lighter, faster one in situations where you are confident that the code is solid and needs speed more than bullet-resistance.

In a perfect world, you would always have enough power to run the bulletproof allocator. In the real world, that might mean 25% (statistic chosen randomly) more server farm horsepower.

  Good, fast, cheap. Pick any two.

     Chris 'Xenon' Hanson | Xenon @ 3D Nature |
 "I set the wheels in motion, turn up all the machines, activate the programs,
  and run behind the scenes. I set the clouds in motion, turn up light and 
  activate the window, and watch the world go 'round." -Prime Mover, Rush.

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