Yet again, we see that although Theo is willing to beg, wheedle and threaten
his user community into sending him money when he needs it, he holds them in
too much contempt to respond to simple, uncontroversial and valid criticism.

On 3/16/07, Theo de Raadt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Let's see... the fsck_ffs fix pedro commited a few hours ago.  That
> fixes a serious problem where fsck fails to spot filesystem
> corruption.  Should we spend time fully assessing how rare or common
> this situation is, and then errata it up the stream as fast as
> possible, maybe even consider if there are security risks from such
> filesystem corruption?  Come on.

What a bullshit argument. When you realised the problem was serious enough
to update the homepage to say "only two remote holes..." you should also
have sent out an email to security-announce. You had time to send an
announcement to misc - not sending one to the list your project specifically
created for just this type of situation means, quite simply, that you fucked
up. You fucked up, Theo. Do it right next time, or de-commission the
security-announce mailing list for once and for all. The fact that you can't
get a simple thing like this right really makes me wonder about the wisdom
of relying on OpenBSD for real-world use...

The minute someone moans for a posting to the security-announce list
> they have removed any desire from me to do so.  And the same comes for
> any other errata.

What a completely fucking stupid, border-line insane thing to say. Let's get
this straight - your project sets up a security announcement list
specifically for announcements on vulnerabilities and patches. You then
proceed to ignore it completely for one of the most serious OpenBSD security
problems in the last decade. But no-one is allowed to actually say anything
about this because if they do you'll not use it JUST TO SPITE US. You, sir,
are a childish, immature cock.

> If people on our mailing list are going to be such jerks about patches
> which we do make available, then maybe we'll spend a whole lot less
> effort making errata and updating -stable.  The whole concept of being
> subserviant towards a community of jerks is not realistitic.

You know, Theo, it makes me fucking sick to see you treat the community of
people who support your project and pay your wage like this. It makes me
even sicker to see the crowds of shrill, stupid fanboys on this list who are
so pathetically eager to agree with you that that they support even your
most unreasonable, childish and frankly stupid statements. You are a goddam
hypocrite - either you do OpenBSD purely for yourself and the other
developers (in which case I will stop financially supporting the project,
and everyone else should too) or you recognise that what really keeps
OpenBSD going is the group of people that advocate OpenBSD, use it in the
real world, and buy your goddamn CDs and t-shirts to keep you going... The
idiots on misc that support you when you treat your users this badly aren't
the real friends of OpenBSD.

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