On Fri, 2007-03-16 at 19:29 +0100, Almir Karic wrote:
> the {} thingy is strictly text expansion, which means your rules expand to:
> pass out on bge0 from <inside> to any
> pass out on bge0 from <inside> to !<outside>
> pass out on bge0 from <inside> to any
> pass out on bge0 from <inside> to !<llcidr>
> if you use ''pfctl -sr'' you will see that we were right.

I never disputed that, but in that same vein no one has bothered to
correct my mistake, just continued to point it out.

very simply, this thread could have ended a day or two ago if the
following process would have taken place:

1)  is my syntax wrong?  YES
2)  OK, what is wrong with it?  Pointed out and understood.
3)  Good, now what is the correct syntax?

number 3 is where we sit.  I understand that the {} syntax is for text
expansion.  What I don't understand is whether when someone use {}, is
the list evaluated as a logical AND or a logical OR?  If AND, then the
following should work:

    pass out on bge0 from <inside> to { any, !<outside>, !<inside> }

which would evaluate to 'pass ... to (all AND NOT <outside> AND NOT
<inside>)'.  But as this is not happening, it leads me to believe that
the {} expansion is evaluated as an OR list.  Assuming that is the case,
how does one go about evaluated the list with AND logic?

when you define a table thusly:

    table <foo> const {, ! }

according to the documentation, that evaluates to 'the entire
subnet EXCEPT'.  is it just by design that when defining a
table, {} is treated differently than when it is used in a rule?

now. given that I have a default block all rule, is it possible to allow
out ALL traffic EXCEPT those packets bound for the addresses listed in
the <outside> and <llcidr> tables without the need for more block rules?


Systems Engineer, NovaSys Health LLC.
501-219-4444 ext. 646

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