On Mar 16, 2007, at 4:09 AM, Karel Kulhavy wrote:

I am not following anything
That's obvious.
- just installed OpenBSD 4.0 from a CD.
What should
I follow, then?

In other operating system the concept of upgrading is straightforward - Windows ask you and you press OK, in Gentoo Linux you type a magic sequence of magic commands and your system is up to date. But in OpenBSD it seems that the versions are not a sequence, but a tree with a lot of one way streets and
that's what confuses me.
The more I read your posts to the list the more it becomes clear that OpenBSD may not be for you. You might consider going back to Windows or Linux or whatever makes you happy cause this clearly ain't working out for you. OpenBSD needs what I call a maker's attitude. You need to want to read, learn, wrap your head around concepts that can have steep learning curves if you're starting at zero but that have a huge payoff if you're willing to put in the skull sweat. You don't seem to want to do this and it annoys the fuck out of us who have put in that effort and have fallen in love with the elegance of the system. Either educate yourself or move on.


They do not preach that their God will rouse them a little before the nuts work loose.

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