On 3/15/07, x x <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I on
Ok, I'm using 4.0 from the FTP install for the sets, I still have find
how to get the ports installed, and wanted to see if, and how, to get K
3.5.6 installed, or should I just use what's ever in the ftp directory
for 4.0.

So you don't even have a system installed yet?
Go read http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html, twice.
Once you're set up, run `man pkg_add` and read it.
Also, there is no gaim2 port for OpenBSD, as far as I know. You're
stuck with gaim1.5 like the rest of us.


  • Re: x x
    • Re: Nick !

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