I am imaging the following scenario:

passwd user entry password is "*"
user has not acquired a ticket
user principal is setted in kerberos database
sshd_options is setted: KerberosAuthentication No\nPasswordAuthentication yes

Now, if the user issue:

$ ssh -l xxx hostname

My gues is that the session will fail to authenticate, right?

Thanks in advance.

On 3/12/07, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don't want to disable GSSAPI.

I want only one of two:

0) Autenticate via tickets (GSSAPI)
1) Authenticate via /etc/passwd.

I don't want sshd perfoming password autenticating based on kerberos passwords.


On 3/12/07, Darren Spruell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/12/07, Gustavo Rios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Great, now i know howto prevent password autentication.
> >
> > But one thing remains strange.
> >
> > I have a user entry without a password. But there is a principal for
> > it in kerberos. I re enabled password authentication but the Kerberos*
> > sshd options remains no, and :
> >
> > He is still able to login. I believed since "KerberosAuthentication
> > no" he should not login.
> Are you using Kerberos or GSSAPI to log in?
> > What am i during wrong ?
> Disabling KerberosAuthentication won't prohibit GSSAPI from working.
> see sshd_config(5)
> DS

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