Le Vendredi 9 Mars 2007 03:31, Sebastian Benoit a icrit :
> Peter([EMAIL PROTECTED]) on 2007.03.09 02:56:07 +0000:
> > but I have found that if a package is dubiously named (such as "db") then
> > it hangs with:
> >
> > "Ambiguous: db could be db-3.1.17p6 db-4.2.52p8"
> There is nothing dubious about it. There are simply two versions of "db"
> available. pkg_add simply does not guess what you want it to do.

I'm sorry.  I mistyped.  That should have been "ambiguous" instead
of "dubious".

> You found out whats discribed in the manpage:
>      In case of ambiguities, for instance: pkg_add screen (matches
>      screen-4.02 and screen-4.02-static), pkg_add will error out, unless it
>      is invoked in interactive mode (option -i).

But I did use interactive mode.

Later I discovered that when it hangs (like it does) I just need to hit Enter
and it continues on as expected.


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