Sorry for the off topic and fell free to ignore please.
But, I am at a lost as to find something that would run very nicely on
OpenBSD that would be similar to a google mini search engine. There is
so many choices that evaluating each one is just very time consuming.
So, I thought to asked valuable feedback if possible.
Any inside would be very much appreciated. I look into this a few years
ago and couldn't end up with a decent working setup.
- Needs customizable search
- Have to have index of PDF capability.
- Needs to be able to display prefer results on specific search on top
of the list.
- Capability to customize the display page as well to look like the site
it would be run for.
- And run on OpenBSD without emulation for specific Linus stuff, etc.
I would very much appreciate any valuable inside you may be able or
welling to share.
Again sorry for the off topic subject and fell free to send in private
as well if that's totally not appropriate for the list.
It's not like the choices are missing, but witch one are good and works
well in OpenBSD world, that's a different question.
Thanks for your valuable time and excuse my intrusion.