Hi Matthew,

On Tue, 06.03.2007 at 09:18:28 -0600, Matthew Franz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Something else you might want to consider (this is what I ended up
> doing, since I didn't want to use NFS) is creating installer LiveCD
> along the lines of http://www.alti.at/knowhow/obsdlivecd/index.php. I
> wrote a dialog based installer to allow techs to do easy OS installs.

thank you, that's interesting, too. I need to produce an OpenBSD rescue
disk for non-techs anyway.

OTOH, in my own network, I want fully automatic unattended installs.
Like clicking around a bit in something like GOsa2, then press the
reset button on the machine in question, and come back after a while to
find it fully operational. ;-)

> The LiveCD approach allows considerably more flexibility than going
> with the rd (and you don't have the space limitations among other

Yes. Hacking up a second .rd image didn't sound too desirable to me,

> things) and eases development and testing since you don't have rebuild
> bsd.rd each time, Just "edit" the source filesystem for (updating
> whatever scripts) and create the new CD image which you can test under
> VMWare/Qemu or whatever....

If Qemu runs OpenBSD, that'd answer another long-standing question I
had in my pipe because I'm currently lacking such a thing.


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