On Saturday 03 March 2007 14:04, Tom Van Looy wrote:
> Some people thought the current 4.0 artwork was to childish for a
> corporate environment. I created a more simple and clean looking dvd
> case. You can download it at http://puffy.ctors.net/
> If you have some comments about this, please let me know.

It's always nice to see someone exercising artistic efforts. But as far as 
this effort goes, in the end I think corporate environments are often too 
solid to the point of being counter productive. 

Fortunately not all corporations try to suppress the lighter side of life. 
It's one thing to unprofessional, rude, crude etc. But another to enjoy 
working in a real team where everyone enjoys doing what they do.

I prefer work to have the settings of a good game. Something where you band 
together to overcome the barriers facing the company. Indeed, spirit of play 
is the best attitude to be productive in. Seriousness have nothing to do with 
important or responsible. But is often used to cover up the lack of poor 
responsibility or lack of competence.

OpenBSD's CD covers represents to me the same spirit of play attitude, and the 
pursuits of the enemies on your network. 


Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin

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