AFAIK, it isn't answered yet in the FAQ, I'am suggesting that.

On 3/2/07, Antti Harri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 2 Mar 2007, Andris wrote:

> IMHO, this should be answered in the FAQ.
> On 3/2/07, Antti Harri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> What's the reason for not providing MD5 sums
>> of X*.tgz sets in the MD5-file of release directories?


I guess my googling and other searching skills sucks
then. Can you point me to the entry? Wasn't able to find
the answer with "search" of, nor from ftp.html
or Package FAQ.

Antti Harri

AndrC)s Delfino

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