Hello, actualy I'm using some Cisco equipment and one OpenBGPd Box to connect the eBGP-Upstreams to my network. I want to replace this setup in the next couple of month by two OpenBSD boxes. I planned to do it this way:
I want to connect some eBGP session to both boxes and an direct iBGP link between the two servers. That's it on the world's side. To my LAN-side I want to use vlans and above on them I want to run Carp for failover. The internal routes to the VLANs I want do redistribute via OSPF between the two boxes. This works fine apart of one bug in the ospf-daemon when the carp-state changes and the local routes have to be updated. But I'm confident that this will be fixed soon. When this setup works fine and is tested well, I will configure pf in combination with pfsync on the two boxes. For pfsync I want to user the direct link, which runs iBGP und OSPF too. I hope my thoughts will show you one possible setup. If there are better and more gentle scenario to do the job, I would be glad if we can discuss it here. I'm still learning :) Regards Falk