On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 07:57:58PM +0000, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> On 2007/02/27 12:31, Albert Chin wrote:
> > I created a queue to limit traffic on the internal interface
> >   altq on fxp1 cbq bandwidth 1.5Mb queue \
> >     { queue_std, queue_ftp, queue_http }
> > 
> >   queue queue_std bandwidth 1.48Mb cbq(default)
> >   queue queue_ftp bandwidth 10Kb
> >   queue queue_http bandwidth 10Kb cbq(red)
> > 
> > And, the rules allowing traffic to 'WWW/FTP SERVER':
> >   pass  in log on fxp1 proto { tcp, udp } from any to any \
> >     port = domain keep state
> >   pass out log on fxp1 proto tcp from any to any \
> >     port = http keep state queue queue_http
> >   pass out log on fxp1 proto tcp from any to any \
> >     port = ftp keep state queue queue_ftp
> >   pass out log on fxp1 inet proto icmp all \
> >     icmp-type $icmp_types keep state queue queue_std
> > 
> > From an external server, I attempted to download a file with curl
> > using ftp and www from 'WWW/FTP SERVER' server. Curl reports that
> > downloading via ftp shows no bandwidth limiting. As for www, the
> > bandwidth seems limited to ~30Kb/s. Why isn't my 10Kb bandwidth being
> > honoured?
> You're queueing on the wrong interface to restrict outgoing
> traffic. This is throttling _incoming_ traffic e.g. in your example
> it's throttling requests and mainly ACKs; due to RED dropping these
> ACKs you're probably triggering TCP congestion-avoidance.

I only added "red" to the http queue because it was in the http queues
in the pf FAQ :)

> You can assign traffic to queues based on _state created by rules
> on fxp1_ (the state table entry includes the name of the queue to
> place the associated packets in). But the actual queues are for
> _outgoing_ traffic so they need to be on the interface applicable
> for that (in your case fxp4).
> For ftp, you are only assigning ftp _control_ traffic to a
> queue, not the data connections. Since you're using ftp-proxy,
> see the -q option.

Ok, thanks. I'm now running ftp-proxy with:
  # /usr/sbin/ftp-proxy -R -p 8022 -q queue_ftp
and I changed the queue rules to:
  altq on fxp4 cbq bandwidth 1.5Mb queue \
    { queue_std, queue_ftp, queue_http }

  queue queue_std bandwidth 80% priority 7 cbq(default borrow)
  queue queue_ftp bandwidth 10% priority 0 cbq(borrow)
  queue queue_http bandwidth 10% priority 3 cbq(borrow)

  pass out log on fxp1 proto tcp from any to any \
    port = http keep state queue queue_http
  pass out log on fxp1 proto tcp from any to any \
    port = ftp keep state queue queue_ftp
  pass out log on fxp1 inet proto icmp all \
    icmp-type $icmp_types keep state

Things seem to be working ok.

albert chin ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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