Stuart Henderson wrote:
On 2007/02/21 18:38, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
problem is really I can't replace Cisco DS3 and multi channel DS3 with
OpenBSD yet for the lack of decent hardware for that! (;<
eotdm may be worth a look where you have both ends of the line.
some vendors mentioned here:
Thanks, not really doing how I would like it.
But I was wondering however if it wouldn't be possible to use the 72xx
routers as dumb media converter?
Meaning, I have a few of them replaced by bgpd and using OpenBSD as a
more effective router.
I wonder how or if possible to actually configure the router to have all
traffic from/to the DS3 port to go directly to/from a Fast Ethernet on
that same router without the routing engine of that router to do
anything what so ever. Some other interfaces on that router could stay
the same and do as usual, etc. But pick for example two of them, one DS3
and one Fast Ethernet and configure them as a simple media converter if
you like. In on one interface out on the other and reverse regardless of
what it is.
That would work well and allow to reuse old stuff put on the self now. (:>
Any idea if anyone have done something like this, or if that would even
be possible?
Using Cisco gear as dumb media converter for an OpenBSD driven network!
That would be pretty cool! Then a logo on it as:
OpenBSD power network!
That would be sweet.