
Currently at the company  I work for we have a fairly large (almost 100
end-points) hub-and-spoke VPN network with a mix of Juniper Netscreens
and Fortinet Fortigate firewalls as well as 1 OpenBSD firewall running
at my house. We do not use policy-based VPNs but rather route-based
which simplifies management substantially. For those that are not
familiar with route-based VPNs - they are essentially point-to-point
IPSEC connections which use virtual tunnel interfaces on the devices at
each end of the tunnel. Once an IPSEC connection is made between the two
devices you can uses firewall rules to filter traffic on these
interfaces as well as route networks through them. A lot of banks use
this approach as they need to encrypt connections internally as well as

At this time we aren't using any dynamic routing on the VPN network but
plan to change this as this would simply things one step further.
Juniper has a brief explanation of this here:


Is it possible to achieve this with OpenBSD? I know OpenBSD has a
pseudo-device called enc0 which you can filter traffic on using pf but
is it possible to use this device for routing traffic using static or
dynamic routing? If this feature is not yet feasible, would this be
considered for a future release?

I appreciate any feedback.




Chris Jones, Sr. Systems & Network Engineer

CDot Networks Inc.- www.cdot.ca

Suite 224-2323 Quebec St.

Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4S7


T: 604-484-4222 Ext. 101

F: 604-648-9645

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