On 2/21/07, smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 10:56:50 -0700, Darren Spruell wrote
> IMHO you're trying to find a technical solution to a bigger problem.
> Consider limiting the size of attachments that go through your email
> gateway; SMTP isn't an efficient protocol for bulk file transfers,
> and like you've found out your CPU and I/O-heavy filtering applications
> don't work well with it. Organizations commonly limit the size to 10
> MB or under; anything larger you can find an alternate (more
> suitable) method for file transfer (SFTP, or FTP if not sensitive
> come to mind.) For internal-only use a file server can be useful for
> this.
The guy above is right.
Since you haven't given a lot of details, I'll make a few assumptions in this
If your users are Windows workstations using Outlook, consider:
1. Use fetchmail to retrieve the email from the isp and set up pop mail so
that your users can download their email to their machines. Pop has the
advantage of not filling up your email server with files. People tend to use
email for everything, including file storage which is not what email was
designed for. The disadvantage to pop is that users can't go home or go on
someone else's computer to look at their email.
2. Install Clamwin on each machine and remove clam from the server. Better
yet, if your company can afford it, use symantec norton anti-virus.
3. If your company can afford it, have them get a static ip and setup your
own openbsd 4.0 mail server with pop mail. With this configuration, you won't
have to install any 3rd party software. Use the default sendmail, it requires
very little configuration. Use the default spamd for greylisting and spam
trap, again very little configuration. Use default popa3d, I must repeat,
little configuration. With this easy setup, I get about 3 or 4 spams a week
considering my email address is on the misc@openbsd.org mailing list.
Spammers like to gather email addresses from mailing list to send spam too.
If that's all I'm getting is 3 or 4 spam a week, that greatly lessens the
burden on any antivirus and spam blocking implementation I choose.
All good points. Or he can just get some beefier hardware. Our
mailserver here is a 2Ghz Athlon with 1g ram. It's got 2 SATA 150
drives in it with 1 drive that is nothing but postfix mail queues.
Then, with all the free RAM; I've stuffed the amavisd-new tmp
directory into a ramdisk.
We run our ad proofing emails through it which typically contain PDF's
of anywhere from 1MB to 15MB (server max is 20). We send several
dozen of these emails per hour.
This hosts email for about only about 500 users, but even with LDAP
lookups, greylists, amavis/SA, etc... email only takes a couple of
seconds to arrive somewhere all spam and virus checked (internally,
externally of course depends on the remote server).
And this isn't even all that beefy anymore. It was when we set it up
a nearly 2 years ago.